Best Fonts for Bloggers: How to Choose the Right Typography for Your Blog

As a blogger, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right typography for your blog.

After all, the fonts you use can have a significant impact on the readability, personality, and overall success of your blog.

In this article, we’ll explore why choosing the right fonts is important, how to select the best typography for your blog, and provide a list of 20 of the best fonts for bloggers.

Why Should You Care About Choosing the Best Fonts for Blogs?

In today’s fast-paced digital world, readers have less time and patience than ever before.

They often skim through articles, searching for the most important information.

As a result, the fonts you choose can make a significant difference in whether your readers stick around to engage with your content or quickly move on.

Moreover, your typography can also convey the personality of your brand or blog.

Fonts can evoke a wide range of emotions, from seriousness to playfulness, so it’s essential to choose ones that align with your content’s tone and message.

How to Choose the Right Typography for Your Blog

When choosing typography for your blog, it’s crucial to consider readability, personality, and compatibility with different devices.

You want your fonts to be legible and easy to read, even on mobile devices.

Additionally, your fonts should reflect your brand’s personality and convey the tone and message of your content.

Finally, you’ll also need to ensure that your chosen fonts are compatible with different browsers and devices.

This can be accomplished by selecting web-safe fonts, using Google Fonts, or using custom fonts with a font loading strategy.

20 Best Fonts for Blogs

To get you started on selecting the best fonts for your blog, here are 20 of our top picks:

  1. Roboto: a modern, sleek sans-serif font that is easy to read on screens.
  2. Lobster: a playful, script font that can add a touch of personality to your headlines.
  3. Open Sans: a versatile sans-serif font that is widely used in web design.
  4. Oxygen: a rounded sans-serif font that is easy to read on all devices.
  5. Lato: a simple, elegant sans-serif font that is perfect for body text.
  6. Playfair Display: a classic serif font that can add a touch of elegance to your headlines.
  7. Allerta Stencil: a bold stencil font that can add a touch of personality to your headlines.
  8. Oswald: a bold, condensed sans-serif font that is perfect for headlines.
  9. Teko: a geometric sans-serif font that is both modern and readable.
  10. Montserrat: a versatile sans-serif font that is great for body text and headlines alike.
  11. Exo 2: a futuristic sans-serif font that is great for technology or science-related content.
  12. Maven Pro: a stylish sans-serif font that is both elegant and readable.
  13. Raleway: a minimalist sans-serif font that is perfect for headings and subheadings.
  14. PT Sans: a versatile sans-serif font that is great for body text and headlines alike.
  15. Merriweather: a classic serif font that is easy to read on all devices.
  16. Source Sans Pro: a simple, elegant sans-serif font that is perfect for body text.
  17. Vollkorn: a classic serif font that is great for long-form content.
  18. Arvo: a modern serif font that is great for headings and subheadings.
  19. Ubuntu: a versatile sans-serif font that is easy to read and has a unique, friendly feel.
  20. Bitter: a serif font that is great for body text and has a traditional, classic feel.

The Best Font Ever for a Blogger (Open Sans)

While all the fonts listed above are excellent choices, Open Sans is often considered the best font for bloggers. This versatile sans-serif font is easy to read on all devices and has a clean, modern feel that can work for a wide range of content.

How to Add Google Fonts to WordPress Blog

If you’re using WordPress for your blog, adding Google Fonts is a straightforward process.

You can either use a plugin like Easy Google Fonts or add the font code directly to your theme’s stylesheet.

  • Log in to WordPress and go to the Dashboard
  • Access Plugins and select the “Add New” option
  • Type “Easy Google Fonts” in the Search option
  • Go to “Easy Google Fonts” by Titanium Themes
  • Click “Install Now” and then “Activate.”
  • Select “Settings” and then “Google Fonts.”
  • Select “New Font Control” > “Themes” > “Customize” > “Typography”
  • Manage the fonts according to their respective objects


Choosing the right typography is essential for the success of your blog.

The fonts you choose can impact the readability and personality of your content, so it’s essential to select the best ones for your brand and message.

By following the tips outlined in this article and selecting one of the 20 best fonts for bloggers, you can ensure that your content is engaging, easy to read, and memorable.

Need more inspiration for your blog?

Check out our article on blog ideas for fresh content ideas.

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Jamie Spencer

My name is Jamie Spencer and I have spent the past 10 years building money making blogs. After growing tired of the 9-5, commuting and never seeing my family I decided that I wanted to make some changes and launched my first blog. Since then I have launched lots of successful niche blogs and after selling my survivalist blog I decided to teach other people how to do the same.

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