Are you someone who has too much month at the end of their pay-check?
Do you want to a decent side income to boost your day job wages or have a fully online job?
Do you want to own and run your own online business?
Would you like to get a rolling start as you leave college and go into the working world?
If you answered YES!!! to any or all of these questions, then you are the right person to make good use of our guide on how to start an FBA business as a side hustle.
Our guide is going to answer some basic, frequently asked questions about FBA businesses so that you will be well informed before you jump in with both feet. Once we’ve got you warmed up, we’ll dive right into seven practical steps that you need to take to start an FBA business. As an added bonus, we will even provide some special tips for growing your FBA business once you’ve gotten it started.
With those objectives in mind, let’s get started by answering some frequently asked questions about FBA businesses.
In this guide I will show you how to:
1. Setup your Amazon account.
2. Pick your product niche.
3. Engage in product research.
4. Establish your product sourcing.
5. Establish your brand.
6. Create your product listings.
7. Advertise your products.
FAQs About FBA Businesses
What does FBA Stand for?
For those who are absolutely new to this concept, FBA stands for “fulfilment by Amazon.”
What is an FBA business?
An FBA business is a business model with which you leverage the powerful distribution network and customer base of Amazon. You have probably already made the connection that this in using this business model, Amazon warehouses, fulfils your orders, and also provides customer service to your clients.
Essentially, entrepreneurs, like you, can act like a major corporation, but without the headaches of actually being one. You spend your time searching for profitable products and Amazon handles the rest on your behalf.
What benefits can you expect from an FBA business?
An e-commerce business usually has to navigate through the logistics of fulfilling orders and shipping products to their customers in a timely manner. Utilizing the power of Amazon, you take that particular challenge out of your operational equation.
Another complexity of an e-commerce store is keeping track of inventory and getting products listed. Using the FBA business model, you ship the products to Amazon’s warehouse and allow them to take care of the rest.
With these two challenges out of the way, management of your business and growth takes off because:
• You are free to focus your attention on higher level tasks like: conversion rate optimization (CRO), targeted marketing and developing new markets.
• There are plenty of Amazon perks from which both you and your customers can benefit. Handling credit cards, quick shipping, free shipping, and customer service are just some of those perks.
• Growth opportunities are built into an FBA business model. You are focused on growth rather than chasing orders.
• Lower expenses are another benefit. You can’t warehouse or ship from a private e-business at the same rate that you get using Amazon’s facilities.
Though an FBA business if far from being hands free, it does free you up from the busywork of a business and allow you to focus on those tasks which will produce growth and development.
How much can you earn from an FBA business?
That’s a tough question to answer, because there are so many variables involved. However, there are FBA business owners who have made anywhere from $3,000 to $40,000 within the first 30 days of opening their FBA business.
Others have gone from an income level of $0 to $50,000 per month within a period of 8 months. These aren’t typical results, but they are an indicator of the explosive potential that starting an FBA business can have.
Essentially, the possibility exists to earn a five, six or seven figure income utilizing an FBA business model and leveraging the power of Amazon.
Steps to Starting an FBA Business and Creating an FBA Business Plan
Now that we have you properly warmed up and excited about this great opportunity with some amazing income potential, let’s get down to the task of getting your FBA business started. These are seven actionable steps with plenty of tips and practical advice on how to carry them out. All you have to do is follow them to get your FBA business up and running.
Step One: Create an Amazon Seller Account

You really can’t have an FBA business without creating an Amazon Seller Account. Theoretically, you could save this step for later, but if you have made the decision to “do this thing,” then you might as well commit yourself by creating an account. Here’s how:
• Go to Amazon’s website and scroll to the bottom of the page where the page footers are located.
• The second bold column from the left is labeled “Make Money with Us.”
• Below that heading is a link with the label “Sell on Amazon.”
• Click on that link and follow the directions.
Individual vs. Professional
You will have to make an upfront decision as to whether you want to set yourself up as an individual or as a professional. Here is the difference between the two:
• An individual account will not have a monthly subscription fee. However, because it is a free account, there are tons of limitations that you will be subject to.
• A professional account will have a monthly subscription fee of $39.99, but you won’t be charged for the first month while you get your account set up. You are not shackled by the limitations of the individual account.

If you are just playing around, like when you were a kid with a lemonade stand or like you are hosting a garage sale, then the individual account it fine, but someone who truly wants to build an FBA business should just go straight into the professional account and start things off right.
Step Two: Pick Your Niche
This is almost the hardest part of setting up your FBA business, because when you are excited about an opportunity you tend to want to sell everything you can get your hands on. The best way to pick your niche and try to determine how you are going to fit into the e-commerce world is to follow a structured approach. Here are the steps to that approach:
• Consider the areas that you are most passionate about and write them out in a list. These could result from hobbies, special interests, professional experiences, things you have read about a lot or done extensive research on, etc. They can come from, and should come from, just about anywhere if you are truly thinking outside the box.
• Brainstorm all of the possible products and product lines that you might be able to offer in each of those areas. Write those products and product lines under each of the areas you are passionate about.
• Start narrowing down those lists to very specific niches. A good example is someone who loves gardening. Well, “gardening supplies” is extremely general when it comes to marketing, so you will want to narrow it down to something like “garden weeding tools,” or “designer flower pots.”
• Narrow down your list of niches down to 3 to 5 areas that you are passionate about.
By choosing items, areas of interest or niches that you are passionate about, you will be much more eager and knowledgeable when it comes time to write advertising copy, product listings, blog posts or presenting a podcast. Once you have things narrowed down a bit, move onto the next step.
Step Three: Research Products
This is where, as they say, “the rubber meets the road.” Though you are certainly passionate about your niches and your products, making a business out of offering those products to consumers is a completely different prospect. You will need to do product research in those areas of interest and niches on your lists. Here are the practical steps for conducting product research:
General Product Searches
In this step, you want to do some general searches to get a better idea of how the products in your niche are represented in the world of e-commerce. Start by conducting searches for your products on Amazon, eBay and other major retail outlets. A good short-cut is just to do a Google search of your product at see what retail outlets handle your selected products or similar ones. If you note that your product generally lists between $10 and $50, then you are on the right track. Products between these two price points tend to be impulse buys. This is good, because you will be able to turn over a higher volume of stock.
Using MerchantWords, Jungle Scout and Similar Keyword Tools
This is a keyword tool that is an essential element in determining the level of demand for your product. You will use these tools to see how often your products are included in keyword searches, in order to determine whether there is a “good market” for what you intend to sell.
Regardless of what some economic theorists say, supply and demand drive the market on any and every product, service and resource. Items that are in demand sell at a higher volume as well as a higher price, depending on how many of those items are available. Ideally, you want your product to be in high demand, but not have too many suppliers providing the same items.
Best Seller Rankings (BSR)
Amazon BSR should not be the highest priority for determining whether you sell a particular product or not, but they do give you a look into which products and which product categories tend to attract the most buyers. Check out the first three to five products on the BSR within the various categories and niches to which you have narrowed your list. A lower BSR number means that more of that particular item is selling than its competitors. If there are a large number of products with low BSR in a particular product category, then you are in an extremely competitive category. Categories with higher BSR rankings make it a lot easier to break into the market with your initial product listings.
Additional Tools for Market Research
There are some very solid tools for doing much more in-depth market research, which can provide you with loads of data as well as how to interpret it. One of the most popular and powerful FBA market research tools is Jungle Scout. Other market research tools include:
• AMZ Scout.
• AMZ Base.
• Sonar
• Watched Item. (which tracks items on Ebay)
• Unicorn Smasher.
Further reading: Jungle Scout Review
FBA Fees
After you have narrowed down your products list to a few choice items or a product category, you will want to consult Amazon’s resources to find out what level of FBA fees are associated with that particular product. These fees will depend upon a number of different variables related to the product’s size, shape, weight, special storage or special handling. You will want to try to keep these FBA fees as minimal as possible to keep down your expenses.
Additional Product Research Tips
If you have faithfully followed the steps above, you should have narrowed down your products quite a bit from that large brainstorm list that you started with. At this point, you might be ready to launch into the next step, but there are a few more things that you might want to consider if you are still not certain about which products will suit your business objectives. Consider these additional tips:
• Keep away from competing with well-established products and highly recognized brand names. Competing with the big boys will not work well with you. They have marketing strategies and marketing budgets that you can’t compete with.
• Consider bulk items or clearance items from retail stores. This allows you to sell brand name products and build up your business in the short term. It is difficult to keep a continuous supply of these products coming, so do not base your entire FBA business on this type of strategy.
• You can scout out items in local retail stores as a means of market research as well. To do this, you will want to make use of a barcode scanning app on your Smartphone, like the Amazon Sellers app or Scoutify app.
By the time you have worked through all of the steps and utilized some of these additional tips for marketing research, you should have established your niche and the main product or products with which you want to lead off.
Step Four: Establish Your Product Sourcing
Establishing your first products and product lines is half of the battle, but you have another step to take before you can start listing and selling products. You have to establish the sourcing of your products. Without product sourcing, you still don’t have anything to sell. This is a very time consuming process because you will want to get the most reliable provider with the highest quality of products available.
Testing Products
If you have already used the products you intend to sell, then you might not need to do any testing. However, if you are looking at generic market items in order to save on expenses, you will certainly want to make sure that you are still offering the best quality of product possible to your clients. You will want to get your hands on some samples of these products before determining whether you are getting quality product sourcing.
Find a Supplier
In most cases, cost is what will determine which supplier best suits your needs as sourcing for your products. Here are several different avenues for finding a supplier for your products:
• Overseas Suppliers. A lot of FBA business owners will use sources outside the U.S., like AliBaba, which can make bulk purchases of products at 25 percent or less than the typical retail price. Sourcing from an overseas wholesaler allows you a broader profit margin.
FREE DOWNLOAD – Supplier Contact Template
• Local Trade Shows. Locate local trade shows which host industry leaders that provide the products you will be sourcing at a wholesale price. Search for trade shows online, through trade magazines and newspapers.
• Bulk and Clearance Items from Local Retailers. We discussed this earlier as a possible short term sourcing.
• Local manufactures. If you happen to be marketing a product that is produced locally, by all means, make use of local manufacturers as a means of sourcing your products. They are certain to appreciate your efforts.
You will want to establish a good relationship with your suppliers, especially if they have additional items that might fit well within your larger marketing niche. To grow you FBA business, you will need additional products down the road, so create a long-term, positive relationship with them.
Research Shipping
Those low wholesale prices will do you absolutely no good if shipping costs eat into your profit margin. Be sure to factor shipping costs into your overall decision when it comes to selecting your supplier. When shipping products from overseas, there are a lot of rules, regulations and taxes attached to shipping, be aware of how those can effect shipping costs.
Besides shipping costs, timely shipping can make a difference when it comes to products that tend to sell quickly. Running out of an item and not being able to restock it quickly is going to cost you sales, so you want to make certain that timely shipping is another positive attribute of your supplier. Governmental rules and regulations can also hold up shipments, so be sure to plan wisely and get your timing down so you will keep your product stocked.
Ship Your Product
Once you have determined which supplier will source your products, you will want to purchase and ship your first order of products. You can ship them to yourself, and then prepare them to ship to the Amazon Fulfilment Center, or you can have them shipped directly to the Amazon Fulfilment Center from your supplier. You will need to follow Amazon’s specific guidelines on how to prepare and ship your orders.
Step Five: Establish Your Brand
This step could be take care of earlier in the process of setting up your FBA business, but because you will probably have to wait for your first batch of products to be shipped and made ready to sell, this is a good time to work on establishing your brand. There are several steps involved in establishing a unique and recognizable brand that clearly identifies you and the product you are offering.
Naming Your Brand
You have narrowed down you list to a single product or line of products that will be your first offerings in your FBA business. However, when you consider naming your brand, you need to broaden your perspective again and consider what your FBA business will look like in five years. What products will you be offering in addition to those you are offering now? It is with the answer to that question in your mind that you should name your brand. Consider a brand name that can more broadly cover those brands.
• Brainstorm several names, which are a good fit to your broader business perspective, that reflect what you intend to accomplish.
• Do Google searches of your list of brand names to see if they are already being used, or make use of programs like Namechck to get a better idea of what brand names are going to work.
• Be sure to consider brand names that have an available domain as well. You might even go ahead and get that domain registered to set it apart for you when the time comes to build your brand website.
Consider the brand name that makes it through all of these filters and then consider graphic qualities of that brand name so that you can easily move on to the next step in establishing your brand.
Create Your Brand Logo
If you happen to be a graphic artist, you can design your own logo around the brand name you have selected. If you are not a graphic artist, scratch out a few ideas and contact a friend or associate who is a graphic artist to help you. You will want to keep it simple and avoid too many design intricacies and colors, because the more complicated your logo is, the more expensive it will be when it comes to printing it and the less clarity it will have when it is scaled to a smaller size. Check out Fiverr as a way to find someone to help draw your design or consult local professionals, family or friends and get that logo nailed down.
Create Brand Themes and Tag-lines
Besides a brand name and a logo, you will want to create brand themes and tag-lines that help make your brand unique and easily recognizable. Here is an exercise to help you nail down a tagline or motto that can be completely unique to your brand. See if you can name the brand name and the thematic designs behind the following tag-lines:
• “It’s the real thing.”
• “Good to the last drop.”
• “Fast food that doesn’t taste fast.”
• “Eat fresh.”
• “I’m lovin’ it!”
• “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s …”
• “Just do it.”
• “Let’s sit down and have a conversation.”
You probably didn’t get the last one. It is a motto used by a small publishing company based in the U.S. but linked to Colombia. Its logo has the Colombian flag as its background with the silhouette of a steaming cup of coffee in the middle. The concept behind its marketing is to communicate that reading is like sitting down and having a conversation and what better way than having a cup of Colombian coffee.
This ties a number of different concepts and themes together with a tagline. Even the brand name fits. You want to think in this broad perspective as you develop your e-commerce identity and personality and reflect your message through everything that you do.
Copyright Your Brand Name and Logo
When you have invested so much time creating your brand name and logo, you want to be sure to form an LLC (limited liability company) and register your brand name and logo. To do this, go to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website.
Step Six: Create Your Product Listings
You have established the identity of your FBA and your products are ready with Amazon Fulfilment Center, so let’s start listing your product or products. This step is where you have to spend the most of your brain power and creative resources. You have worked very hard at setting up your FBA business to this point. Be sure that you create product listings that will not only appeal to your potential customers, but will also provide them with plenty of information to make a qualified buying decision. This will be the major factor that determines your income level. So, choose wisely and follow the steps laid out below:
Professional Product Photos
Professional product photos that show various, important features of your product are an ABSOLUTE MUST. Poor quality product photos destroy all of the work you put into building your identity and your image. Poor quality product photos do not adequately communicate the value of your product to your customers, because they don’t communicate the value you place in your products. Sometimes there are professional photos for products already available from your supplier, but sometime there are not, so hire a professional photographer to take some high-quality photos of your products to use as product photos with your product listings.
Detailed Product Titles
Product titles are often the only way to draw the attention of a customer from their Amazon search to your product. Though you don’t want these to stretch on forever, you should aim to place some very clear, unique, identifying information in your product titles to draw potential customers to your specific product. Do an Amazon search in your product category and look at other listings to see how they list their products. Determine what is too much and a turn off, and what is absolutely essential to capture attention.
Write Your Product Descriptions
Though you want your product descriptions to be concise and a quick read, you also need to be sure that your customers get as much information as possible from them. Here are some steps for creating product descriptions that will sell your product:
1. Define your ideal buyer in intimate detail. This is like creating a character profile for a novel. Ask yourself questions like: What’s his background? What does she do for a living? Where do they live? What kind of home do they have? What sort of personality do they have? What are their goals in life? What are their pet peeves? What do they read, watch, browse and/or listen to? What would you say to them if you could sit down and drink a cup of coffee at their kitchen table?
2. Read product descriptions from other sellers within your category as well as in other categories. Analyze which approaches appeal to you the most and create an outline or template combining the best features of several different approaches and styles.
3. Establish your tone or personality. Friendly, informative, strictly professional, lighthearted, fun, exciting. This is something that should be comfortable to both you and the customer you described in the first step in this section.
4. Learn to use highly sensory words that stir the imagination and plenty of action verbs instead of sticking to be verbs.
5. Be sure to alter the beginnings of paragraphs or bulleted lists with unique words and phrases so your description doesn’t become boring and predictable.
6. Be sure to highlight the best features and benefits of your product.
7. Anticipate the various questions or doubts that your customer might have concerning your product. This is where your ideal customer description will help you a great deal. Respond to those questions and concerns in your description.
8. Set up your product descriptions in short, easy to read paragraphs with bold titles and some white space between them. This will allow customers to scan quickly and then focus in on particular features and benefits that they are most interested in.
Fill In All Relevant Information
Amazon’s product description form is well setup for providing every possible bit of information the customer might need to know in order to make an informed purchase. Be sure to fill in all of the spaces like:
• colors, sizes, etc.
• product dimensions and weight
• warranty information
• installation guides
• product specs sheets
All of these little extras can make a difference to a customer when it comes to making a final decision to buy your product or to go with that of your competitor instead.
Step Seven: Marketing Your Product
If your product listings have an appealing and professional appearance, then you will get some incidental product sales simply because your product is listed within the largest marketplace in the world. However, to really start turning over inventory and ringing up sales, you will have to draw the attention of potential buyers to your product. One FBA adviser suggests that you need to “advertise the hell out of your product.” That’s not far off from the truth. Here is how to go about getting the word out that you are open for business, so to speak.
PPC Advertising
You probably don’t have the budget to do Madison Avenue style advertising, so you will need to start small and make use of simple cost effective ways to advertise. One of the best ways to do this is through Pay Per Clicks (PPC) programs. PPCs are a pretty simple and cost effective way to gain a broader audience for your products. What it is, in a nutshell, is sponsored content that pops up when someone is searching for a product on Google or other major search engines.
When someone clicks on the link within that content and it brings them to your product listing, you will pay whatever PPC company you have chosen a small fee for that “referral.” The great thing about this type of advertising is that you know that each dollar you spend it placing your product in front of a potential customer. You can take things a bit further and do PPC advertising through companies related to your product and target qualified buyers for an even greater return on your investment.
Use Platforms Like JumpSend.

JumpSend is a really handy tool that helps you to get more sales, better organic rankings for your product on Amazon and more reviews for your products. It helps you with automated email campaigns, as well as setting up discounts, giveaways and coupons. It allows you access to over 100k shoppers on JumpSend, which helps with sales velocity to your product and increases rankings for certain keywords that you’re targeting on Amazon.
FREE DOWNLOAD – Customer Email Follow Up Template
Elicit Lots of Product Reviews
What other users have to say about a product is often what helps someone who is on the fence about buying to go ahead and make that purchase. Product reviews help to sell your products. People like to know what sorts of good and bad experiences those who have purchased a product have had. Besides encouraging and eliciting customers to post a product review through your fulfilment documents, you can even invite individuals to try out your product and write a review on it.
You might have to give a few away or offer your product at a special discount (this will make them a paid user, which also makes a big difference when comes to credibility), in order to secure these reviews. The more you have, the more attractive your product becomes to potential buyers.
Hold Off On Launching a New Website or Blog
We discussed theme and domain name in the “Establishing Your Brand” step. That would imply that at some point you will want to launch a new website or blog to sell your product. This is not your best use of time and resources when you are just getting started. It is better to go into this costly, time consuming part of your marketing at a later time. The drawback to content marketing is that you do a whole lot of work with a tiny, almost minuscule, rate of return for your efforts.
As some like to say, “you have bigger fish to fry.” With that said, if you already have a company website or established blog, then use them as a means of promotion. Keep your FBA business moving forward instead of getting bogged down in content marketing. Hold off until you see some decent sales rolling through before moving into this type of marketing.
Using Social Media
Because social media is where the vast majority of your potential customers are probably spending their time, you will want to make use of social media as a means of marketing your products. Social media platforms tend to make your product more professional and give you an outlet where your offering can be rapidly shared between friends or what used to be referred to as “word of mouth advertising.” Here are some tips concerning how to use social media in your marketing plan:
• Don’t chase your tail. Focus on just one channel at a time. If you spread yourself to thin, you will not work effectively in any of the channels. Pick one, build it up until you start recognizing returns from your efforts and then move to the next one.
• Build up your brand profile. Make it fun and interesting, drawing people to like, comment and share the content that you place there.
• Influencers can help launch and promote your product. Get to know people with a solid reputation who lots of people are following on an active basis. Offer them free products and get them to add a review to their content.
• Paid advertising. Social media advertising is really pretty cost effective because it can be geared to target a specific demographic or interest group. This sends qualified customers to your product listing. Qualified customers are typically buying customers.
Keep in mind that social media is a fickle thing, so putting all of your advertising eggs in that one basked isn’t really in your best interest. Use it, but do not rely upon it as your sole marketing strategy.
Blogging, Vlogging and Podcasting
Yes, we already advised you to hold off on this. However, if and when you do launch your content marketing efforts, you need to do it right. Though they are different media forms and executing your strategy will differ in form from one to another, your objectives are pretty much the same with all of these types of content marketing. Here are some tips that you can use to optimize your content marketing strategy:
- Streamline your content so that it relates to your product, its use, tips, tricks and comparisons with competitors. Make your content useful, informative and easy to read. If you have to hire a professional to do it right, it is money well spent. If you make product comparisons be sure to buildup the value of competing products, and then show how your product is even better.
- Link to other content providers and websites. This is similar to what we discussed with using influencers on social media. Your goal is to get their followers to become fans and buyers of your product.
- Post with a purpose and do it regularly. Hammering your audience on a daily basis with drivel won’t do the trick. A couple of solid posts per week, which are useful and relevant to their daily lives, will.
- Don’t get all salesy. As we just said, focus your posts with a single purpose in mind. However, that purpose should be serving the interests of your audience rather than serving.
- Choose the right blogging platform – It’s important to build your site on a user friendly platform that can be easily crawled by search engines. This will enable you to get free traffic from people searching on Google. Check out my best blogging sites comparison guide for more info.
Buildup Your Email List
There is absolutely no substitute for targeted email marketing. It is the most powerful marketing strategy available to you, and you MUST harness its power to get your FBA business off the ground. Building an email list is essential. The people on your email list already know and love you, your product or both. Where can you find better customers than that? Let’s take a closer look at this aspect of marketing:
• AN EMAIL SUBSCRIBER SHOULD BE OF EQUAL VALUE TO YOU AS A SALE. This is highlighted because it is the attitude that you need to form if you are going to be successful at building up your email list. In some ways, these are more valued sales, because they are sales that will come in the future when you will need them most.
• Be sure to get email subscriptions from your existing customers.
• Have email subscription landing pages, popup boxes, invitations, campaigns, drives, giveaways, promotions, and incentive programs in order to encourage email subscriptions. The more creative and aggressive (in a lighthearted and fun way) you are with getting email subscriptions, the more success you will have.
• Don’t leave your email list to rot. Provide them with occasional updates, tips, discount offers and new product announcements.
• Don’t drown them in sales fliers. Imagine yourself up to your neck in sales fliers. Your email content needs to be like your website content. It needs to be purposeful and focused on providing useful information or service to your customers rather than feeding your greed.
Use Coupons and Special Deals
Most of you have probably seen the comic drawing of a pair of shoes listed for $100. There is absolutely no interest in those shoes. In the next frame, the shoes are listed for $200, but a red line is draw through that price and $125 is listed in red below it. Customers are fighting to get their hands on those shoes.
That image is enough to establish the point that needs to be made here. Coupons and special deals are a great way to boost sales. You can utilize the tools already in Amazon or make use of bargain hunter sites and promotional sites.
Special Tips for Growing Your FBA Business
Following the steps that we have just laid out is the best way to get your FBA business started. It establishes all of the foundational principles that will lead into growing your business and creating a decent side income or eventually a primary income source. Why stop there? Here are some tips to have in the back of your mind as you are launching your new business with an eye on the future:
• Passion. Make sure that you are pursuing something that you are passionate about. This is what will make your roll out of bed a couple hours before work or stay up a couple of hours later to grow your side business.
• Offer More. Once you have become successful with a single product or a few products, add relevant and complementary products to those you already offer.
• Improve your BSR. Though this is not your ultimate measure of success, improved best seller ranking provides you with an opportunity to make more sales.
• Site and Sight recognition. If done right, your brand can become easily recognizable to potential customers on sight. Consider the tag-lines, logos and themes of those companies in our exercise back in step five. Build your site and your brand to that level of sight recognition.
• Earn commissions. You can earn commissions and increase your income by becoming an Amazon affiliate. This allows you to start earning commissions from Amazon for referring customers that might also buy your product. That’s a win/win for everybody involved.
If you are paying close attention to the first letters of each of the tips we’ve just shared, you will note that they spell out the acrostic POISE. It takes poise to establish and grow your business. When you do it right, you will also be “poised” to earn some significant incomes from your FBA side business.
Bonus for Readers – Grab Your FREE Seat At FBA Stars Webinar
Sign up to the FBA Stars Free Webinar to find out how to find 6 figure products to sell on Amazon
If you’ve ever dreamed about becoming your own boss and making money online, then this free webinar will inspire you to start that journey. 100% Free. You have nothing to lose!
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Wrapping It Up
An FBA business model leverages the power of Amazon’s warehousing and fulfilment functions in order to make it simpler for you to be able to establish and grow an extremely profitable business. Depending on the amount of time, money and effort your invest into it, you can produce a decent side income or even replace your existing job with your own business. What would you do if you didn’t have to get up and go to work tomorrow?
Our guide has shown you how to:
1. Setup your Amazon account.
2. Pick your product niche.
3. Engage in product research.
4. Establish your product sourcing.
5. Establish your brand.
6. Create your product listings.
7. Advertise your products.
With these seven basic steps, you have the necessary outline to start an FBA business as a side income. Maintaining a focused and purposeful approach is a key and there are plenty of resources available to help launch you to a much higher level with your FBA business.
One resource that I recommend is the Amazon FBA Stars Course, which expounds upon the simple steps we have laid out in our guide. Educate yourself, motivate yourself and get your FBA business started today. The great thing with this course is that all the lessons are in video format so you can see exactly how its all done, AND you get 3 months of one-to-one mentoring from the Pro FBA Amazon business owner.
Get a comprehensive video training from a full time pro!!!
FBA stars is a easy to follow, step by step guide to starting a successful Amazon FBA business. The whole course is presented by Vik JC, a full time Amazon FBA pro who guides you through every single step to becoming your own boss and making 5 figures from Amazon FBA.
Get a better understanding of what this course offers as well as finding out how Vik finds his 6 figure products to sell on Amazon, but signing up to his totally free webinar.
Jamie Spencer
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This is impressive
Well it’s not as simple as its described in this blog but the way they have explained is impressive. FBA is like playing in Amazon’s playground ground. First we have to check the product and their demand in the market, the analysis takes a lot of time. Personally I have seen many people investing their time completely and make lots of profit. It’s good to try new things, but we should do proper analysis of complete process.
Do we need to purchase products for selling
Yes. That’s the whole point of Amazon FBA.
I would love to learn from you and leave my 9-5pm corporate life too. Looking to free myself from desk work and work for myself and have financial freedom.
Good luck with that my friend. Give FBA Stars a try.
Hi Mei. This is a great goal to aspire to.
When it comes to FBA, you need to remember that you’re playing inside Amazon’s playground so any changes they make will have an effect on you and your business. You should also register patents and trademarks immediately to knock down piggybackers and hijackers when they target you.